Initial Enquiry:
For the upcoming cruise ship refit, a large operator required assistance with the overhaul of the four Wartsila Thrusters but wanted to investigate alternatives to OEM supplied parts and field service.
Project Objectives:
Provide parts and service expertise for the Wartsila Thrusters.
Complete the overhaul of the four thrusters within the 12-day refit window.
Overcome any unforeseen on-site issues and to the highest standards without delay to the ship’s departure date.
Project Description:
All four thrusters were removed from the ship and transported to a workshop for complete disassembly. The inspection and overhaul of all relevant parts were completed.
The work included:
- NDT of all vital components including gears, blades, blade carriers and hubs. Seals and bearings replacement.
- Bearings re-shimmed and re-set to factory specification
- Gear backlash restored to factory limits.
As part of the overhaul, the primary seal assemblies were retrofitted by AEGIR-Marine to a twin lip seal design enabling off the shelf delivery of wearing components for future overhauls.

Due to the 20-year thruster age and consequent on-site emerging work, AEGIR-Marine also quickly supplied parts for unforeseen damage including new flexible input shaft couplings, hub sliding blocks and multiple small parts.
The team of AEGIR-Marine engineers worked day and night – completing the overhaul of the thrusters ahead of schedule, allowing some of them to return to their base earlier than planned.
All four thrusters were overhauled in good time ahead of schedule.
Parts supply, and emergency on-site parts supply was achieved with no delays.
The on-site AEGIR-Marine engineers conducted the overhauls to a high quality and the satisfaction of the operator and on-site Lloyd’s surveyors.
The Thrusters performed successfully through sea trials.
AEGIR-Marine has become the operators first independent supplier of Parts and Service for thrusters.
AEGIR-Marine provided the customer with a significant cost saving when compared to an OEM supply option.
To find out how AtZ can help with your overhaul projects, please contact us.